Safety Net Blog

MEMIC's all about workplace safety blog since 2008! Easy-to-read safety advice combines with email delivery to give you a whole new way to keep your safety program on track. If you'd like to search a topic not listed, please use the overall site search at the top right.

Businesswoman in office chair rubbing sore knee

Avoiding The Agony From An Aching Knee

Psst! The information that follows is provided on a “kneed”-to-know basis so glance furtively over your shoulder for onlookers as you continue reading. Of all the joints in the human body, the knee happens to be the largest.

General, Ergonomics  •  March 30, 2022
Digital globe in "cyber space"

Global Cyber Threats in the Midst of War

Typically, the Safety Net covers workplace safety topics and strives to provide solutions that will limit the likelihood of an employee injury. This week we focus on a safety threat of a different kind.

General  •  March 23, 2022
Business man holding business card that reads Attention to Detail

It’s All in the Details

As is often the case when I’m noodling a few ideas for Safety Net topics I turn to famous quotes. Smarter people than me have had brilliant things to say about safety, leadership, or the consequences that occur when safety isn’t a priority and luck r...

General, Inspection  •  March 16, 2022
National Poison Prevention Week

National Poison Prevention Week Starts On March 20 2022

March 20 marks the first day of spring this year as well as the start of National Poison Prevention Week. This weeklong event is intended to raise awareness on the dangers of poisons, ultimately to reduce the number of poisonings that occur, especial...

General  •  March 09, 2022
OSHA forms in a binder.

OSHA Recordkeeping: A Deeper Dive into the Requirements

Have you ever wondered, “How do I record an injury or illness on my OSHA 300 log?” or “Is there additional documentation that I need to maintain?” This is a topic that many businesses have questions about and a frequent topic of The Safety Net.

General, OSHA  •  March 02, 2022
Chain with a weak string link

Beware the Weakest Link

Workplace safety could be regarded as the greatest team sport there is. Now, those are pretty bold words, especially coming from a sports fan. But there are undeniable parallels and since the stakes are so much higher...

General  •  February 23, 2022
Safety Procedures binder

Learn from History

History repeating itself is a sad and all too common occurrence in the safety world. Is there anything more tragic than well-known hazards causing multiple injuries over time?

General, Safety Programs, Emergency Preparedness  •  February 17, 2022
Drive Safely written across rural road

Drive to Stay Alive

As a young paramedic back in the 1980’s I quickly learned how devastating automobile collisions are. The human body simply doesn’t hold up well given the dynamics of a high-speed impact.

Transportation, Driving Safety  •  February 09, 2022
Workers attending morning safety meeting at job site

A Toolbox Talk Reminder

It’s easy to set a reminder on your calendar to meet someone for lunch, but how do you effectively remind employees that safety really is the most important part of their job?

General, Construction, Manufacturing, Safety Programs  •  February 02, 2022
Vacuum Lift System

Vacuum Lifters Really Suck (And That’s A Good Thing)

The owner of a landscaping and property service business told me recently that he bought a vacuum lift system that attaches to an excavator to handle the heavy lifting of stone steps, slabs, and pavers on hardscape projects.

Construction, Manufacturing, Manual Material Handling, Ergonomics  •  January 26, 2022

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