Safety Net Blog

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Office workers waiting for elevator

Don't Let Elevators Bring You Down

Misleveled elevator floors, insufficient maintenance program, and unsafe employee behaviors can lead to significant workplace trip or fall injuries. A comprehensive program is necessary to control hazards.

General, Retail, Hospitality, Education, Healthcare, OSHA, Inspection, Slips, Trips & Falls  •  September 14, 2022
Worker inspecting HVAC unity on rooftop

Roof Rules Depend on Slope, Distance, and Frequency

Fall protection requirements for employees performing maintenance on low-sloped roofs depend on factors that include whether the work is deemed “temporary and infrequent,” and the distance from the edge.

General, Education, Healthcare, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, OSHA, Slips, Trips & Falls, Outdoor Safety  •  September 07, 2022
Factory worker stacking boxes

Don't Brace Yourself to Prevent Back Injuries

Research shows that back braces do not provide the safety and support needed to reduce back injuries in the workplace. Employers should consider a more comprehensive ergonomic program to reduce the hazards of manual material handling and patient hand...

General, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Construction, Ergonomics, Manual Material Handling, Safe Patient Handling & Mobility  •  September 01, 2022
Factory worker in training

The Soft Science of Safety Culture

In addition to the “hard skills” of safety, building a safety culture is a “soft skill” that may be equally important. This includes setting clear expectations, providing positive reinforcement, and leading by example.

General, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs  •  August 24, 2022
Woman holding hand to ear, trying to hear better

May I Have Your Attention Please - Are You Listening?

Listening to team members is a key safety skill that involves active listening. Paying attention, reserving judgement, and engaging in conversation encourages open effective communication. It is important to practice comprehension - to ensure better ...

General, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs  •  August 17, 2022
Power drill and circular saw on workbench

Get The Upper Hand on Safety When Using Power Equipment

Powered shop equipment presents a potential for severe hand injuries, but recognizing and acting on potential hazards can reduce one’s risk of injury, including machine-specific operator education, training, and proper guarding,

Construction, General, Logging, Manufacturing, OSHA, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs  •  August 10, 2022
Masked factory workers having a standup meeting

COVID’s Silent Workplace Health Threat: Safety Awareness

The pandemic has disrupted many features of the traditional workplace, including safety awareness activities. However, there are many positive steps businesses can and should take now to re-establish the importance of their workplace safety culture.

General, Leadership and Management, Safety Programs  •  August 03, 2022
Nitrogen element shown on tablet in chemical lab

Monitor Nitrogen Gas Use to Keep Workers Breathing Easy

Nitrogen gas use is common in many industries and can cause severe illness and death due to oxygen depletion. Employers and workers need to be aware of the hazards, carefully monitor oxygen levels, and know the symptoms of nitrogen asphyxiation.

Construction, General, Manufacturing, Transportation, OSHA, Safety Programs  •  July 27, 2022
Welcome Back sticky note on office workstation

Transitional Return-to-Work - What It Is and Why It Makes Sense

A formal transitional return-to-work program can help reduce workers’ compensation costs, lower your experience modification rating, and ensure injured workers are being treated in a consistent and fair manner while keeping valuable, trained individu...

General, Claims Management, Leadership and Management, Return-to-Work  •  July 20, 2022
Syringe inserted into Covid19 vaccine bottle.

Don’t Shoot (Down) The Messenger (RNA Vaccines)

The benefits of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines far outweigh the risks when it comes to preventing COVID-19 transmission, if you stick to the facts and science, and avoid misinformation about vaccine safety and development.

General, Healthcare, Wellness  •  July 13, 2022

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