Safety Net Blog

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Construction workers assessing site

Do You Have Accident Repeaters or Accident Repetition?

Are the same employees getting hurt again and again? Why does it seem that 20% of employees account for 80% of workplace injuries?

General, Safety Programs  •  February 24, 2021
Purple abstract hexagonal wave

The Science of Safety in the 21st Century

2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act of 1970. The law was intended to ensure “so far as possible every working man and woman in the nation safety and healthful working conditions and to preserve our human r...

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, OSHA  •  February 17, 2021
Team collaborating, pointing fingers at lit light bulb

The Abilene Paradox - Have you ever been on the Road to Abilene?

In 1974, Jerry B. Harvey, professor of management science at George Washington University, outlined a common communication breakdown which he coined the “Abilene Paradox"

Leadership and Management  •  February 10, 2021
Healthcare worker prepares COVID-19 vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccines

The COVID-19 virus can be so nasty, deadly, and even chronic. At times it doesn’t run a course and fade away like most viruses. Are vaccines the answer?

Healthcare, Construction, Education, General, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation  •  February 04, 2021
Technician Installing Carbon Monoxide Detector

The "Ups and Downs" of Vapor Density

The classic definition of vapor density is “the mass of a certain volume of a particular gas or vapor divided by the mass of the same volume of hydrogen” at the same temperature and pressure.

General, OSHA  •  January 27, 2021
Shipping containers at loading dock

Powered Industrial Trucks and PIT Certification

Does your company use vehicles to move freight trailers in or around your yard, warehouse, or shipping facility? These vehicles may be commonly referred to as a terminal tractor, yard truck, yard jockey, yard spotter, mule, and yard goat.

Construction, Logging, Manufacturing, Transportation, Driving Safety, OSHA, Safety Programs  •  January 20, 2021
OSHA forms in a binder.

The OSHA Reporting Forms - 300 300A and 301 - What Do We Do with These Things Anyway?

The process of understanding and completing OSHA’s work-related injuries and illness forms 300, 300A, and 301 can confuse even the most seasoned safety professional.

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, OSHA  •  January 13, 2021
Person spreading dry sand on slippery steps

‘Tis the Season to be Sanding

Although the holiday season may be behind us, winter is definitely just getting started. For many of us that means sleet, snow, and freezing rain.

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, Outdoor Safety, Safety Programs, Slips, Trips & Falls  •  January 06, 2021
Snow machine removing snow

Goodbye 2020, Hello Winter 2021

Winter officially arrived 10 days ago, and Mother Nature certainly has been cooperating with the calendar in many places across the country. Though some of us may not like the snow or cold, at least it’s something “normal” for this year.

Transportation, General, Construction, Education, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski  •  December 31, 2020
Woodland scene with midnight blue sky and full moon

For the Year it's Been

With a successful countdown to magical merriment now behind him, looking down from high above, he arrives at cruising altitude. Snow-capped roofs and frosted trees speckle the frozen landscape as his steady team powers his flight on a tranquil, moonl...

Construction, Education, General, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logging, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, Ski, Transportation, Leadership and Management  •  December 21, 2020

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