Safety Experts Podcast

Because safety is more than just a policy, practice, or personal protective equipment

the MEMIC Safety Experts Podcast hosted by Peter Koch will interview industry leaders every two weeks on the trends, tools, and techniques that are tried, tested, or emerging in the world of workplace safety. What you learn could save your life or the life of a friend or coworker, or at least save everyone from a few unnecessary cuts, burns and bruises. Thank you for your joining us in our mission to make work, and the world, a safer place.

Small Business Safety Leadership with Elise Brown and Brian Schortz

The Flat Roof Dilemma - When is Fall Protection Required with David Kozlowsky

Motivated for Safety? Are your business objectives aligned with your team’s needs?

Moments Make the Leader with Patrick Nelson

How Workplace Safety Influenced Labor Day - Celebrating the American Worker with Randy Klatt

Revoked EUAs with Stephen Badger
Revoked EUAs with Stephen Badger

Don’t Be A Slouch – How Posture Affects Health and Longevity with Al Brown
Don’t Be A Slouch – How Posture Affects Health and Longevity with Al Brown

OSHA’s Top 10 and How they can Affect your Safety Program with Stephen Badger
OSHA’s Top 10 and How they can Affect your Safety Program with Stephen Badger

Top 5 Causes of Injury During July 4th Weekend
Top 5 Causes of Injury During July 4th Weekend

Preventing Heat Stress in the Workplace with Tom Bernard
Preventing Heat Stress in the Workplace with Tom Bernard