Safety Net Blog

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Don't Let Solar Events Eclipse Safety

It’s been almost 100 years since the last coast-to-coast total solar eclipse, so there is plenty of reason to be excited for the big event on Monday. But don’t let a once-in-a-lifetime solar event eclipse everyday safety.

General, Transportation, Outdoor Safety  •  August 18, 2017
Worker working in sun getting sunburn

Only You Can Prevent Skin Cancer

These sunny summer days are great. The bright summer sun gives us light, energy, and increases our vitamin D production. However, the same sun that gives us so much can be a hazard for outdoor workers. What are the hazards?

General, Construction, Outdoor Safety  •  August 09, 2017

It's Road Construction Season Once Again

While many areas of the country experience road construction year-round, summer generally means an uptick in highway projects. Summer also brings an increase in traffic as people head out on vacations.

Construction, Transportation, General, Outdoor Safety, Youth Safety  •  July 05, 2017

Hand in Glove (Suitably Protected)

Soon in northern climes with the arrival of spring and the greening of the outdoors, we’ll be outside digging in the dirt starting our vegetable and flower gardens, pruning shrubs, cleaning up yard debris, and mowing the lawn.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  May 04, 2017

What You Should Know About Zika Virus

With the emergence of “home grown” Zika virus in the Miami-Dade and Broward counties of Florida, OSHA has recently posted interim guidance for protecting workers from occupational exposure to Zika virus. First identified in 1947 in the Zika Forest o...

General, Outdoor Safety  •  August 10, 2016

Don’t Be a Hot Head: Tips to Avoid Heat Stress

Whether you are working outside or participating in an athletic event, avoiding heat stress is essential to achieving your goals and having a safe and enjoyable summer. Thousands of workers and athletes require treatment for heat exposure each year. ...

General, Outdoor Safety  •  August 03, 2016

July Is National Ultraviolet (UV) Safety Month!

We knew the “dog days of summer” were coming. Now that they are here, we should all be thinking about taking care of our skin. We spend more time outdoors during the summer months and we’re more exposed to the sun. The summer heat might feel great on...

General, Outdoor Safety, OSHA  •  July 20, 2016

Don’t Hold the Ice: Crushed Ice for Control of Heat Stress

Today is the first day of summer! The Summer Solstice, being the longest day of the year, is a glorious day for those who like fun in the sun. However, heat related illnesses in the workplace present a significant hazard.

General, Outdoor Safety  •  June 20, 2016

Your Lawn Mower Is More Dangerous Than You Think

Now that warmer weather is approaching, many businesses and private individuals are moving powered lawn equipment out of hibernation. Mowers, leaf blowers, and lawn trimmers start making their appearance at businesses and households everywhere.

Hospitality, Services, General, Outdoor Safety  •  April 27, 2016

Tick Tock, it's Time for a Tick Check

Spring is here and with that folks are getting outside cleaning up from the winter, hiking, camping, and, yes, working. With the unusually mild winter in the East this year, ticks will be out in force.

General, Logging, Outdoor Safety  •  April 19, 2016

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