Top Safety Posts of 2017

This year MEMIC is celebrating 25 years of our mission to provide the best workers’ comp insurance by focusing on workplace safety and the compassionate treatment of all workers.
Every week we try to provide the most valuable workplace safety tips to our readers, here are some of our most popular posts of 2017:
Last January Dave Darnley offered winter slip, trip and fall safety tips, definitely worth taking a second look at this winter.
In February, Randy Morehouse said when it comes to personal safety - listen to your inner voice and Rob Sylvester asked do back belts prevent back injuries.
Also in February, Adam Levesque covered OSHA’s updated electronic recordkeeping rule and in March advised on selecting the right shoes for your workplace.
Also in March, Greg LaRochelle explained load limits for structurally supported surfaces and Tony Jones talked about when it might be effective to pour another cup of coffee to stay alert when driving.
In April, Tonya Hawker explained what is a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and why is it important.
In May, Allan Brown described the safe lift zone and how to keep lifts between the knees and shoulders to prevent injuries.
Let us know what posts you found most helpful so we can continue to offer the most valuable information possible. Thank you for your readership and here’s to 25 more years of safer workplaces!