Safety Net Blog
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Get Rock Solid on Slip and Fall Prevention
With the early arrival of Old Man Winter’s icy disposition across the Northeast, now is the time to get rock solid on slip and fall prevention.
Let's Not Fall Down on the Job.... or Anywhere Else
As we and our loved ones age our chances of falling increases, as do the chances for severe injury. Quality of life and loss of independence may be greatly affected.
Burn Prevention - A Hot Topic for Restaurants
The American Burn Association estimates nearly 500,000 burns are treated in medical facilities annually. This includes all burns from minor to severe. The Bureau of Labor Statistics recorded over 14,000 burns resulting in lost time in workplaces in...
Preventing Traumatic Brain Injury: Protective Measures from Head to Toe
You’ve been warned. You’ve seen the statistics, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) contribute to approximately 30% of all injury deaths. So we all just need to wear a hard hat whenever there is the slightest chance of risk, which is all the time.
Slip and Fall Prevention - The S.A.F.E. Way (Part 5)
Environment comprises the design and layout (permanent and non-permanent features) of your facility as well as changing weather conditions around it.
Slip and Fall Prevention - The S.A.F.E. Way (Part 4)
“Never underestimate the power of a shoe.” Giuseppe Zanotti, Italian Fashion Designer
Get Schooled on Safety
Schools are arguably the most important workplaces to ensure health and safety and can be the most challenging. Schools need to track, prevent, and mitigate a wide range of incidents from cyberbullying to bomb threats.
Slip and Fall Prevention - The S.A.F.E. Way (Part 3)
“If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give… stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.” ― Leo Tolstoy, Essays, Letters and Miscellanies
Slip and Fall Prevention - The S.A.F.E. Way (Part 2)
Getting to know the surface we walk on can help prevent slips and falls. In this post, we'll evaluate an existing surface by looking at its 4 C's.
Slip and Fall Prevention - The S.A.F.E. Way (Part 1)
This is the first post in a series devoted to slip and fall injury prevention.
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