Safety Net Blog
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Still Plenty of Winter Driving to Go!
We're not quite out of the woods yet...there is still plenty of winter driving ahead, especially in the Northeast. So regardless of what the groundhog had to say yesterday, let's make sure we take proper precautions to stay safe in any forthcoming wi...
Oh, Deer, It's the Rut Season Again!
Deer breeding season is once again upon us. This is a time when we typically see deer on the move. This is a dangerous time for drivers.
National Stop on Red Week
This year the first week in August has been designated the National Stop on Red Week by The National Coalition for Safer Roads (NCSR). This designation is intended to remind every driver to obey the traffic safety rules, especially to be extra cautio...
April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month... Hang up and Drive!
Today our lives are more demanding than ever before, and smart-phones have made us available 24/7. Our culture’s compulsion for increased productivity has forced Americans to squeeze more time out of a 24 hour day.
2012 Motor Vehicle Crashes: What Do the Numbers Say?
The November 2013 issue of Traffic Safety Facts, published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) contains some interesting statistics. Since transportation incidents account for the highest percentage of workplace deaths thes...
Ol' Man Winter Is Comin... Are Your Employees Ready?
Yes, it’s that time of year again. The leaves are down, the pumpkins are just about gone, and the frosty weather is here. Now is the time to ensure your employees are properly trained and equipped to work safely in cold environments.
Vehicle Technology and Crash Avoidance
The 21st century brings continual technological advancement and the vehicle industry is one area where this is becoming more obvious. The collision survivability rate is better due to multiple air bags, protective crumple zones, and improved restrai...
Making Road Construction Safe for Everyone
Road construction projects and the summer season seem to run on the same schedule, often to the distress of many of us trying to go about our daily lives. Indeed, billions of dollars and millions of man-hours will be spent on road work in 2013, the b...
Share the Road With All... Big and Small
As we enter the busy summer months and more of us are travelling it is important to be more aware of our surroundings as we drive. Highways are filled with vehicles, from tractor trailers to bicyclists and everything in between.
What's the Hurry?
It seems that these days everyone is in a hurry. Traffic on the roads is heavy, people are often rushing around, and we all have to be somewhere now. The problem this creates is the decrease in our “safety cushions”.
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