Safety Net Blog
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Tick Tock, it's Time for a Tick Check
Spring is here and with that folks are getting outside cleaning up from the winter, hiking, camping, and, yes, working. With the unusually mild winter in the East this year, ticks will be out in force.
Tis' the Season to Get Injured, Fa La La La, La La La La!
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) says there were approximately 15,000 injuries involving holiday decorating in November and December, 2012. This translates to 250 injuries per day during the holiday season!
Preventing Heat Stress in the Workplace
It’s summertime, and that means hot temperatures. Employees who work outdoors or inside hot environments are at risk for heat stress illnesses. In fact, it’s not surprising to see many production environments that are not air conditioned, and tempera...
Snow and Ice Removal From Roofs—Act Responsibly!
Winter brings fun and joy for many who participate in winter activities and sports, or just love the snow. This winter’s record snowfall has no doubt brightened the spirits of many school aged kids. However, the recent onslaught of storms in less tha...
Staying Safe Shoveling Snow
As most of you know, a large portion of the U.S. has been experiencing a tremendous amount of snow so far this winter. The MEMIC office in Tampa, FL might be an exception to this, but the rest of the country has been battling the white stuff on a reg...
Seeing Stars on Ice
With all 50 states reporting temperatures below freezing on Tuesday, November 18th, ‘tis the season to pay special attention to the condition of outdoor surfaces underfoot. Indeed, it seems that Old Man Winter has descended upon us suddenly and with...
Sun Safety: Got You Covered! -Part III
Many times we will find ourselves outside in an environment where the area around us conspires to increase our risk of skin damage. The last Sun Safety blog, Fan of the Tan, reviewed risk factors that put you at greater risk for sun damage. This in...
Sun Safety: Fan of the Tan? -Part II
Centuries ago, tans were looked down upon by the upper classes, and fair, pale skin was considered the most beautiful. Tans were the mark of the working class laborer, while the wealthy stayed indoors, keeping their skin covered and protected. In the...
Sun Safety: Just the Facts -Part I
Fact or Fiction - How would you answer these questions?
Bug Sprays Are Not All the Same
As we enter the summer season it’s time to consider how to best protect outdoor workers. One of the most important defenses in our arsenal against insects and vector diseases is insect repellants.
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